Global - Industry Automation - Events
List by Product List by Country
ProcessTeknik 2026 662 days left 
Scandinavia's leading trade show for process engineering
10/20/2026 - 10/22/2026
Gothenburg, Sweden
Scanautomatic 2026 662 days left 
The Nordic Region's premier meeting point for industrial automation and digital transformation
10/20/2026 - 10/22/2026
Gothenburg, Sweden
CIEME 2026  
24th China International Equipment Manufacturing Exposition
Dates: TBD
Shenyang, China
IEEE ECCE 2026  
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Dates: TBD
TBD, United States
Motion Control Show 2026  
Korea Motion Control Show
Dates: TBD
Seoul, South Korea
A&T - Automation & Testing 2026  
The Trade Show Dedicated to Innovation, Technologies, Reliability and Skill 4.0
Dates: TBD
Vicenza, Italy
IEEE SENSORS 2026 667 days left 
IEEE Conference on Sensors
10/25/2026 - 10/28/2026
Rotterdam, Netherlands
IEEE VIS 2026  
The premier forum for advances in visualization
Dates: TBD
RoboDEX Nagoya 2026  
Japan's leading robotics technology exhibition
Dates: TBD
Nagoya, Japan
ISARC 2026  
43rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in the Construction
Dates: TBD
PTA-Novosibirsk 2026  
16th Specialized Conference Progressive Technologies in Automation
Dates: TBD
Novosibirsk, Russia
Design & Manufacturing Minneapolis 2026  
Premier Advanced Design & Manufacturing Event
Dates: TBD
Minneapolis MN, United States
ATX Minneapolis 2026  
Automation Technology Expo Minneapolis
Dates: TBD
Minneapolis MN, United States
Expoprotection 2026 676 days left 
The Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management
11/3/2026 - 11/5/2026
Paris, France
Robot4Manufacturing 2026  
Business meetings for industrial robotics
Dates: TBD
La Roche sur Yon, France
Electronica 2026 683 days left 
World's leading trade fair and conference for electronics
11/10/2026 - 11/13/2026
Munich, Germany
ADM Expo Montreal 2026 684 days left 
Advanced Design & Manufacturing Expo Montreal
11/11/2026 - 11/12/2026
Montreal, Canada
Design & Manufacturing Montreal 2026 684 days left 
Premier Advanced Design & Manufacturing Event
11/11/2026 - 11/12/2026
Montreal, Canada
ATX Montreal 2026 684 days left 
Automation Technology Expo Montreal
11/11/2026 - 11/12/2026
Montreal, Canada
I4.0 Expo 2026  
Industry 4.0, Automation and Robotics Fair
Dates: TBD
Batalha, Portugal

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